Save Sherman School Takeaways School Building Committee Meeting 4.11.24

Background Notes:New members have been added to the SBC. New members are Don Lowe (1st selectman), Bob Ostrosky (selectman), Andrea Maloney (treasurer), and Jim Best (Sherman resident with a background in construction management)

SBC reviewed updated building codes and regulations that the school must follow when they update the building. Codes reviewed included HVAC/indoor air quality, safety and security, the process / requirements for a school building project that is seeking state funding, etc.

Current Building Options: Options A and B will happen simultaneously

Option A: Re-engage with Friar architects to update and investigate a “capital improvements” plan
In 2018, Friar architects conducted a review of the Sherman School and recommended repairs over a period of 10 years. Because of taxpayer feedback post referendum, the SBC is re-engaging Friar to update and expand their report to see if there is still an option for a phased repair that would keep the schools current configuration.
•Will take 10 weeks to complete full plans and cost estimates
•Will have an independent code review and 2 cost estimators to assure accuracy and compliance with current codes
May be eligible for some state reimbursement, but would be a more complicated process. Will not qualify for the blanket 25% reimbursement that a comprehensive project would receive. Reimbursement would not be a guarantee
• Phasing and timing will be a determining factor as it will be difficult to proceed with this type of project with students in the building and may take much longer to complete.
•Will cost $28,775 to complete investigation, plans, and costing which will come out of previously allocated funds for architecture services

Option B:  Modified comprehensive renovation:
Antinozzi architects will work on revised comprehensive renovation project.
•Will take 10 weeks to complete full plans and cost estimates
•Will be similar to the previously proposed renovation but with a smaller footprint and lower cost
•Will have an independent code review and 2 cost estimators to assure accuracy and compliance with current codes
•Will be eligible for state reimbursement.
Important to note: The SBC has applied for special legislature from the state that could dramatically increase the reimbursement rate. The SBC will know in early May (by the next SBC meeting) if Sherman has been awarded the
special rate, which would drastically reduce the taxpayers financial burden
•Will cost $64,025 to complete plans which will come out of previously allocated funds for architecture services

Suspended options:

PreK-5 School / Tuitioning out 6th-12th Grades:
The SBC/BOE has not officially ruled out this option. However, prospective costs received from local districts as well as busing companies has deemed this option not viable for the town’s interests. The SBC is proceeding with PreK-8th grade options for the school. We expect the PreK-5 model to be officially ruled out at upcoming BOE meetings.

New Construction:
After investigating further, SBC and Antinozzi have little confidence in the ability to move forward with a new construction option for the following reasons:
• Limited site options in town  (colonial field and volunteer fields have been ruled out previously)
• Using the current site was previously only viable option and would use current athletic fields and parking lots, however the architect has not recommended this option out due to the placement of the 440 line and septic / well  issues that would make the current site difficult to build on while still keeping students in the current school.

Link to presentation with laws and codes as well as updates about the roof and more details about options moving forward

Next School Building Committee Meeting:
May16th, 7:00 PM, Sherman School Library


Save Sherman School Takeaways School Building Committee Meeting 5.16.24


Sherman School Building Update - 3.6.24