Save Sherman School Takeaways School Building Committee Meeting 5.16.24

Hi Sherman! 

Hope everyone has been enjoying the warming weather and is looking forward to summer!

We have been a little slow with our updates as the SBC has been hard at work with the architects, but wanted to bring everyone up to speed before the next SBC meeting:

Sherman has been awarded a special reimbursement rate of 30% (5% higher than the standard 25%). This was part of the latest State legislative session. As a result:
Our next referendum has a deadline, and would need to happen in fall 2024
• The total amount of the renovation would be not to exceed $42,500,000 total project cost, making the total NOT TOEXCEED $29,750,000 for Sherman taxpayers. Great result!
• This special rate would be for a comprehensive renovation (option B below), not a fix-over time plan.
• There are no “strings attached” or extra obligations associated with this reimbursement, beyond keeping the school open

In Process:
Antonozzi architects reported that they are mid-way on the work to present the following options to the SBC in the upcoming weeks. The options remain as previously reviewed :

Current Building Options:Option A: Engage with Friar architects to update and investigate a “capital improvements” plan:
In 2018, Friar architects conducted a review of the Sherman School and recommended repairs over a period of 10 years. Because of taxpayer feedback post referendum, the SBC is re-engaging Friar to update and expand their report to see if there is still an option for a phased repair that would keep the schools current configuration.
•Will have an independent code review and 2 cost estimators to assure accuracy and compliance with current codes
•May be eligible for some state reimbursement, but would be a more complicated process. Will NOT qualify for blanket reimbursement that a comprehensive project passed in 2024 would receive. Potential for reimbursement will need to be assessed if SBC chooses this option
• Phasing and timing will be a determining factor as it will be difficult to proceed with this type of project with students in the building and may take much longer to complete

Option B:  Modified comprehensive renovation:
Antinozzi architects will work on revised comprehensive renovation project.
•Will be similar to the previously proposed renovation but with a smaller footprint and lower cost
•Will have an independent code review and 2 cost estimators to assure accuracy and compliance with current codes
•Will be eligible for 30% state reimbursement. A 5% increase from the previous referendum, which will bring the overall tax burden to UNDER 30 million

Suspended options:PreK-5 School / Tuitioning out 6th-12th Grades:
The SBC/BOE have received preliminary costs and considerations from local school districts.
New Milford respectfully declined to continue the dialogue as they do not have the capacity to accommodate the Sherman Middle and High School students
The BOE has decided to not pursue the PreK-5 option for the following reasons:
• No financial advantage:
• Preliminary estimates indicate that the annual school budget would need to increase at least 7%(New Fairfield) or 31%  (Region 12).  
• Bussing costs and busing time would both increase
• Special Ed costs would increase and would be determined by the receiving school district
• Loss of town culture: The loss of middle school grades would result in the loss of the drama, music, and athletics programs
• Loss of students’ High School choice
• The expense of a modified school construction project for grades PK-5 would still be required, and would be in addition to the increased operating expenses associated with expanding inter district agreements for students in grades 6-12

New Construction: No longer an option due to lack of a feasible location.

Here is the link to the latest SBC meeting if you would like to get the updates firsthand

Next School Building Committee Meeting:
June 24th, 7:00 PM, Sherman School Library

Hope everyone has a great start to their summer and we will be in touch about future updates and meetings!

- Save Sherman School


Save Sherman School Takeaways School Building Committee Meeting 7.10.24


Save Sherman School Takeaways School Building Committee Meeting 4.11.24