Save Sherman School Takeaways School Building Committee Meeting 7.10.24

Hi Sherman! 

SO much information was presented at the July 10th SBC meeting. Right now is a critical point in the process as in the next few weeks a final decision is being made as to what viable building option will be chosen for the upcoming referendum. 

The July 23rd and 25th meetings will be the final public meetings to attend where you can voice your opinion on the options given, and get your questions answered and concerns addressed. Please attend if you possibly can!

BIG NEWS as of 7/10:
Antonozzi and Friar (two separate architecture firms), CSG (project management), as well as PACS and CCE (two separate third party cost estimators) worked to arrive at the two following viable options. The entirety of the presentation -- including how the professionals arrived at the two options, as well as the in-depth revised Friar report -- can be viewed HERE. The following is a very high level, basic recap of their extensive work.

PROCESS: At the public hearing on 7/23 the BOE will discuss the two viable options and hear the taxpayer's feedback.They will then recommend their choice to the BOS. The BOS will then hold their meeting on 7/25 where they will also discuss the options and discuss potential financing methods.

The two FINAL options for Sherman’s upcoming referendum:
Option 1:
Completed by Friar Architects
Capital Improvement Plan
including restoration of the K-Wing

Construction Cost (high estimate): $32,120,103
All-in Cost: $38,617,842.00
State reimbursement: 12.5% (max.)
Town’s share: $33,790,611.00
Time to compete: 6 Years

• Restoration of K-Wing to its intended use
• Maintains existing educational program
based on renovation from 2000
• Flexibility in execution of each scope item
• Replacement of failing infrastructure
• Brings facility to good standard

• Construction Schedule: 6 years
• Significant disruption to educational environment
• Doesn't address school's issues in a holistic way
• Doesn't account for programmatic enhancements
• Limited eligibility for reimbursement
• High likelihood of redoing work over the 6 year+ term as new scope items are taken on. i.e. replacing finishes to access infrastructure
• Higher cost of general conditions/oversight
• “Buyer beware” potential for costly order changes, delays, and potential complications that are often unavoidable with a non-holistic plan.
• Escalation over a 6 year+ term is unknown and out of our control so today's price’s are not guaranteed in the future.

“Due to state reimbursement regulations and code
changes, it is likely that a Renovate as New will
provide better long-term value for the town of
Sherman, including lowered operating expenses,
availability of replacement parts, increased state
reimbursement, material and installation
warranties, life safety improvements and code
                   -- REVISED FRIAR REPORT

Option 2:
Completed by Antonozzi Architects

Construction Cost (high estimate): $35,881,979
All-in Cost: $42,099.195.00
State reimbursement: 30% (min.)
Town’s share: $29,469,437.00
Time to compete: 2 Years

• Construction Schedule: 2 years
• Brings school to a 20-year standard (state requirement for Renovate-to-New projects)
• Addresses programmatic requirements during design
• Reimbursement eligibility
• Replacement of failing infrastructure
• State legislation guarantees reimbursement for Renovate-to-New Project

• Loss of historic K-Wing
• State reimbursement has an expiration date. If the town does not file an application to the state by October 1, we no longer receive 30% reimbursement.

Key Takeaway:
Because of the 30% special reimbursement rate granted by the state guaranteed for this year only, our town has a unique opportunity to save millions of dollars by moving forward with option 2 in the next referendum. Essentially with option 2 the town will get a more expensive renovation for less cost to taxpayers

1) PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD on Project Pathway Options & Educational Specifications. This is where you can ask questions, voice your opinion, and show support for the school.
JULY 23RD, LMC & ZOOM, 7:00 PM
2) BOS meeting where Project Pathways and Financing Methods will be discussed
JULY 27TH, Mallory Town Hall, 7:00 PM



Save Sherman School Takeaways School Building Committee Meeting 5.16.24